Monday, June 8, 2009

The Discovery - Not the Channel

The day started at 8:00 a.m with blood work and then the CT at 9:30 a.m. By this time the pain was getting to be even worse that it had been the day before. Which was the worst it had been over the past couple of weeks. So after work on Monday I just laid on the couch all night and took Percocet. So I was already drudged & tired to help control the anticipatory nausea and in pain so we went to a relaxation room where I could sleep till my next appointment.

At 1:00 I woke up because I was in so much pain. So we made our way up to oncology to show Dr. Bryce that we weren't kidding around and get some pain meds. Well he took one look at me and knew that we weren't just dealing with something in my head anymore. Then since he hadn't had a chance to look at them yet he pulled up the CT Scan results.

I don't really remember specifically what he said, mostly because I was only semi-conscience on the couch next to his table, but I just remember him hearing the words multiple tumors and hearing CA just break out into tears. Then there was some talking and some words of encouragement for me... again only some of that actually made it in my ear and then what did make it in was lost in translation of my brain screaming out that my body was in severe pain.

I was uncomfortably stuffed into a wheel chair, rolled down the hall, down a floor, down another hall or two and then down 3 more floors before getting into my hospital bed and getting the best present in the world, PAIN MEDICATION!!! And because it was so severe and I'd been having it for so long, they even gave me one of those great little buttons where you can inject it into yourself as often as you like! Well just as long as it's not more often than once every 10 mins. But still it was a pretty sweet deal and for the first time that day i wasn't complaining!

1 comment:

Jon and Nicole said...

Isn't it crazy the things you have to go through before doctors take you seriously sometimes? Wow, Annie. You are tough.