Sunday, June 7, 2009

CT Scans - The Bearers of Bad News - April

After our near brush with the me almost having cancer again, Dr. Bryce decided that he didn't want to wait a full 3 months before scanning me again. I was not exactly thrilled about this. Especially since, while I had been on my road trip out west, I had made the executive decision that I was only going to get scanned once every 6 months. This cancer business was taking up way too much time in my life and I had a life to start living again. (Obviously the chemo was still affecting the rational thinking part of my brain... well at least that's what I blame it on. Side Note: Most cancer patients have to wait at least 2 years before they can start receiving scans just twice a year. )

So CA being the sneaky and supportive negotiator she very often is, convinced me to get a scan in April. At that point we didn't know how insurance was going to work for the next 6 months. She was about 100% that I would have it no matter what. I was a lot more breezy, like if it comes my way I'll take it if not then I'll turn to mother nature for her remedies. Again it def appears the chemo was affecting the rational part of the thinking process. Thus I was scanned April 9th. Meet with Dr. Bryce April 16th and finally got a clean bill of health! Happy Birthday Tommy!!!

At this point Team Annie was finally comfortable waiting till July!!!! Sweet! Life can start to get back on track, the cancer thing can finally be put to rest.

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