Monday, June 15, 2009

Unexpected Side Effects

Each time they start you on a new cancer drug they give you a sheet of paper with all the possible side effects. It's all very nice and neat, 3 little columns, respectfully tittled More Common, Less Common and Very Rare. Each one then has a couple of tidy bullet points outlining what's going to happen to you when they start injecting that specific drug into your vein. Some of the more fun side effects include fingernail or toe nail changes, muscle pain, fluid retention, sores in the mouth, nausea, diarrhea and fatigue.

But really the main side effect I feel from cancer is EXHAUSTION. It's so frustrating that even the littlest things make you feel like you need to take an hour nap. Or you can barley even enjoy a shower because you're thinking about how fast you can get the shampoo out of your hair so you can go lay down again. And then the sun finally comes out in MN and you have to spend the whole weekend inside on a couch in front of a fan.

The paper work that goes along with cancer is also exhausting. This is one area of the world that should def consider moving to a "paper-less" approach. You get bills, notifications, letters, explanations of benefits and MORE. And they're all written in some foreign language that no one can understand anyway. I think that if anyone receives a cancer diagnosis, they should also get a statement (via email) explaining everything you're in for... and a new pillow for all the naps that one will most definitely need to take!

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