Monday, December 1, 2008

Black (& Blue) Friday - Part I

I LOVE the day after thanksgiving maybe almost more than thanksgiving itself. And I could care less about any shopping mall. I think it's because all the flavors have set into the food, friends are freed from family engagements & everyone is ready to celebrate! (Emphasis on celebrate)

This year proved to be no exception. I was also uber excited because this year I was heading down to the Red Wing Holiday Stroll and then meeting reuniting with some of my high school girl friends afterward. The Holiday Stroll was magical! Complete with roasting cheastnuts, hot chocolate, Santa, real raindeer, a parade with floats decked out in christmas lights marching down main street and pink cheecks under hats with matching mittins. The whole town turned out for a brisk night under the stars. It honestly could have been right out of a story book.

Annie, Katie & Yena at the Holiday Stroll

Afterward the celebration continued upstairs in our carriage house. 2 of my favorite cusions were there Adam and Kirk, my new twin Abby, Megan & our little Hunter, and of course all of my Red Wing girls - Yena, Katie, Jordan & Abby. (Special shout out to JB!) We were snacking on homemade salsa, saultry chex mix, bull dogs and grapefruit juice (per my addiction) w/ vodka.

Kirk & Annie, post shots, ready for the bar!

The night was perfect! Just what I needed, to let loose and celebrate with my wonderful family & good friends. We ventured down to Andy's a local pub, which is really a hole in the wall bar but I enjoy it for two reasons. 1 - they have an upstairs loft so you can drink and people watch without being obvious about it (my fav past time at the bar) & 2 - if you are sitting at the bar and want to go outside for a smoke there is a little sign you can put next to your drink to "save your seat" and no one will take your place at the bar. I'm not a smoker but am highly amused by this little small town ritual.

The Red Wing Girls at the bar

Abby & Annie

To be continued in Part II...

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