Monday, December 1, 2008

Black (& Blue) Friday - Part II

When we left off on the last blog... all the kids were at the bar having a wonderful time. That's about the point where my memory fails me. The following story is comprised of various accounts from what took place the night before from the people that were mostly coherent enough to tell me the tail the next morning.

What I do remember. Doing a shot with Abby at the bar... possibly soco and lime(?). Talking to Scott Guthrie. Waking up at about 8 a.m. the next morning barley being able to walk to the bathroom. Realizing I was still dressed in the same clothes I had been wearing at the bar the night before (including my uggs).And my grandmother being shocked as to what I looked like.

Here is what I do NOT remember. Doing another unnecessary shot with Abby - contents unknown. Leaving the bar. The car ride home. Being ecstatic when I discovered that I had my phone, apparently I had somehow forgotten it was in my pocket. Running to the carriage house to drunk dial boys. Falling in the carriage house and then sitting in there for 30 mins. Puking. Falling asleep on the couch.

Here is why my grandmother was shocked to see me the next morning...

Believe me... if you think it looks painful you should have known what it felt like. My whole family was gathered around me on the couch when CA started asking what had happened. In my witty hung over state I proceeded to explain to her that I got in a fight with a boy at the bar and he had hit me. While none of that was true, it seemed like a viable explanation since I had no idea.

I stayed in the same position the next 12 hours. Believe me I paid in full for consuming the night before. I did feel a little sorry for the boys who had gotten up before me and had to endure the lecture about over indulgence from my grandma. All of which I overheard from my death bed on the couch. But there was no way I wasn't getting up for that!

Oh well, alls well that ends well! Plus I'd never had a black eye before so now I can check that off my list of things :)

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