Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Skoll Vikings!

One of the best things about being back in MN has been getting to hang out with the cousins - Adam & Abby! It's really great to have such fun family members live so close! Adam organized a super fun outing on Sunday and we all (Adam, Abby, Annie, Tommy & Megan) got tickets to watch the Vikings take on the Bears.

The game started at 7:00 p.m. which left plenty of time for tailgating all afternoon! Right now some of you are thinking "Annie this 2 days after you just got your black eye". And you are right, believe me I was taking things very very very easy during the tailgating portion of the afternoon.

This was definitely an experience only a true Minnesotan could endure. With temps in the low 30's, winds at about 20 mph... kinda reminded me of a Raven's game I watched once in Baltimore. Anyway we were ready and armed with mich golden lights in the pockets of our coats and light rail tickets in hand. We got to the parking lot and tons of people were set up with tents, tarps and electric heaters. You could watch the other games on tvs in the back of pick up trucks while feasting on peppered prime rib and free chips with bean dip. The alcohol was flowing (I however was NOT partaking) and the drum line was beating strong! We mingled with lots of different friends, new and old. I'm proud to say that we survived out in the cold for more than 3 & 1/2 hours before heading in to the dome.
After that we stayed plenty warm because our seats were second row down from the top of the dome... and we all know heat rises :) I think the fans around us were a little taken back with my appearance. It's not everyday you see a beautiful bald girl with a huge black eye. But I just told people that I got it bear hunting. It worked perfectly because the Vikes also went bear hunting that day and beat Chicago 34 to 14!!! Skoll Vikings!!!

Adam, Abby, Annie, Megan & Tommy outside tailgating

Annie & Megan decked out in Purple Pride!

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