Monday, December 15, 2008

Baltimore Home Sick

I am extremely Baltimore home sick. Extremely. My heart aches for that crazy city.

During 08 it FINALLY felt like things were coming together and that life was how it should be. My family was happy & healthy. I had a great social life filled with fun friends & happy hours about town. I was worshiping at a youth oriented church that shared my values and beliefs. I finally kept my new years resolution to drop 25lbs and felt amazing in my suit at the beach. And I was in love with my job, in love with it! (I bet some of you were expecting me to say a boy's name)

Okay... so I didn't have a boyfriend... so it wasn't like some fairy tale where everything was exactly perfect... but it was damn close. And I had total faith that Prince Charming was around the corner just getting ready to make that perfect entrance into my life!

And then suddenly all of that was gone... Everything I'd worked for over the past 2 years fell apart in less than 2 weeks. Well I shouldn't say everything but... you know what I mean.

So part of me really does miss the city and all that goes along with it out there. But the other part of me just misses having a life. It's like by the time I go through the chemo & recover, hang out with some friends, and get my life back in order, I have to start the next round. It's so annoying. I miss having a normal routine, which is funny because I never pictured myself as someone who would want that... but now I do. And I miss work. It's a very big part of my life and I'm struggling to put my life back together with that huge piece missing. (Damn I'm trying to come up with a good metephor for what it's like and I can't think of a good one...must remember to insert one in at a later point in time)

It's not that I don't love my home in Red Wing because I do. And MN is a huge part of who I am and this will always be home to me. But Baltimore feels like home too and now I've been away for too long and I can't wait to go back! Plus I def miss the sushi in that city!!! I'm going crazy for a crunchie fire roll!!!

1 comment:

Carrie Root said...

Baltimore is home sick for you! And, I, for one, am happy you are blogging again.

Hope R5 is going OK for you (as well as possible). It will all be behind you soon!

Miss you lots!