Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well first off apologies for not writing yesterday seems i was all worried about nothing exciting happening that someone decided i needed some more excitement in my life. Yesterday was a pretty hard day, i spiked a 101 fever in the afternoon and this soon after chemo - that's not a good thing. So off to the doctor we went per oncologist orders. Well I'm sure they loved me there... all i wanted to do was sleep through the exam. I was also quite stubborn about having to walk the 10 ft to the bathroom and to the chair to get my blood drawn... both things i think could have fully been accomplished while lying down. Well maybe...

After the doc exam, i had to sit up and breathe it was horrible, they decided x-rays were necessary. I was like great you can just move that big machine right over my body and put that lead thing over me... although i do already have cancer... but oh no they require you to stand. Who thought of that!?!?! And did they not understand. I guess when i kept collapsing they sorta started to get it. It's not like i was trying to make my body feel like it was on fire or black out... know what it was... probably that damn shot they gave me in my a**, i hear that makes people back out all the time. Help me understand how i could have shown them more value in keeping me in the horizontal position...

More medical highlights from the doc - fever spiked at 102.8, they think it might be phenmonuia (and no i'm not getting that because it's cold in MN), my white blood cell count is .93 and normal is around 10, and i'm another 10lbs ligher. Wow - those are qutie the stats, all that football watching is wearing off...

So that was the super fun adventure at the downtown clinic in Red Wing. I was happy to get home and not assume a vertical position untill today. Today has been better I've still had a fever all day but at least my energy is beginning to come back a little bit & I showered (dang being stinky). I hope tomorrow will be even better and that the antibaoticos will keep kicking whatever infection i have in my body.


Anonymous said...

SCARY! *hugs* Take care of yourself. I'm praying the drugs take care of you. Wish I could be there.

Carrie Root said...

You must be doing better since I got a text from you. I hadn't read your update yet when I texted you back. I'm so sorry you've had such a rough weekend. Hang in there and get better quickly!!! I'm thinking about you!!!!!

Unknown said...

hey annie! i'm always glad to read your blogs and know you are taking this like a champ!! i hope your week takes an upswing :)

thinking of you always!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl! Will keep praying for you.
Love and miss ya!