Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 1 of 12

I can't fucking believe i have to do this shit again tomorrow.

And then 10 more times after that... I'm in definite need of some sort of apple count down poster with a large stick & marker...

Its so hard to let them poke you and prod you when you know you're just going to feel shitty in a about an hour. Plus some of them can't even poke that well... I know & completely understand that's what makes you better in the long run. But it seems so counter intuitive to let people make you feel worse before they make you feel better.

Plus what is with the nurses... they all walk in and ask "How are you feeling?"

What in the F kind of trick question is that? So it seems the aproppriate response would be "Fine" as most people say - but then my question is who the fuck is fine in that situation? (Correct Answer - NO ONE!) Plus they know what they're putting in you... And it's not a drug for the plecibo effect...

But then when you say something along the lines of "Eh a little tired" it's like the thought on their face is like "common who isn't, i mean I'm at work too..." so mostly i just keep that thought to my self & share it with everyone online :)

So the last guy that came in and asked me (Disclaimer - i was on A LOT of drugs by that point) He was like "How ya feeling?" and i said does anyone every just flat out say "shitty". He kinda laughed and was like yea... ya they do sometimes. SO that's how i feel groggy, drugged, exhausted, tired, all around just kinda shitty.

And just in case anyone out there thinks I'm complaining... I'm not - just giving open, honest & direct feedback to what I'm going though :) Thank you for all the texts, cards & phone calls in support of today! It's helped more than you will know... Off to another day of battle tomorrow - don't worry my Team Annie shirt is the perfect Armor!!!


Carrie Root said...

I am SOOOO proud of you! You are fantastic. Hang in there for tomorrow.

And, your short hair is fabulous!

Jeremy said...

Soooo... I have read this 10 times and every time I think you are even more kick ass...

Just start droppin' the F-Bomb every 30 seconds, you will have everyone in that place scared of the AOD...

Sending good wishes and thank you for keeping us all in the loop...