Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A few of my favorite things

WOW so the last 48 hours have been so AMAZING!

My goal is to post everyday (although that rule was set by someone else) ... & I only get two skips in the next 90 but I'm thinking that those are only if i don't feel good and the past couple of days I've felt more than great... Although CA did tell me i looked tired again today... maybe she just kinda forgot what i looked like on a daily basis :)

The feedback & support I've been getting from everyone in regards to the blog has been so superb! And everyone has said how wonderful that i have such an upbeat attitude... but the real question is... who wouldn't be happy if they were surrounded by the following things?

After spending Saturday night with Anna & Tonia - I learned a very valuable lesson, I do not heart beading. And drinking more wine does not help the process move in a faster fashion. HOWEVER Sunday morning Eggs Benedict & Starbucks is motivation...

Family is oh so important! Jules and I headed down to kato swinging by Emma Krumbies (which, in my humble opinion, should be renamed Emma Crappies) but seeing Grandma was so wonderful! There is no feeling on earth that compares to being at home with Grandma Ann (yep - my name sake) Also seeing the Otto family was so nice! And learning that your distant relative (who shall remain nameless...) may or may not have been addicted to boys & accompanying activities over mouth watering homemade banana cream pie was pretty entertaining... (Cue all of my friends saying - "ahhhh now that makes so much sense why Annie is the way she is..." what can i say it runs in the family!)

Then instead of rhubarb pie for breakfast we opted for delicious rhubarb coffee cake! Headed out to two of my favortie home away from homes - that's right - Home of the wonderful Gustavus Rouser! Gustavus Adolphus College - oh my Alma matter... how beautiful you are! And then the best part of St. Peter, River Rock Coffee! My true second home. My heart was about to burst with happiness walking in to my fav little independently owned coffee shop! And then eating the turkey club, balsamic dressing, latte & a hermit... words can not describe the LOVE!!! Really my GAC degree should read Major in Communication Studies Minor in Coffee Shop Management & Development (P.S. I can't wait to put our entrepreneurial skills to use... cement business?)

And more of my favorite things... the trip to the little organic and independently owned apple orchid (Go Jim!), car washing, bloodymary & beer drinking, spicy garlic wing eating, target-time-wasting, EP Marathon shopping, Vikings losing football watching, outside grilling, blue sky morning, 1st pumpkin coffee of the year tasting and veggies from the farmers market lunching...

HONESTLY who wouldn't be loving life with all of my favorite things? (Where is that Julie Andrews... i need some new clothes... and CA wants to get rid of these curtains...)

So reality says that i have to start chemo in one week and a day (9/18)... really that's the last thing on my mind. My to-do list is never short (although maybe if i wrote it in french...) and really I'm just very excited about wearing my pretty dress and the journey that Coli is starting this weekend! Can't wish them the best enough...

So the conclusion that I've come to is that as i move forward and when i have a crappy day - I'll just continue to do/have my favorite things around me and i know that will help! So let me know if there are any other favorite things i should add to the list... :)

1 comment:

HillaryTami said...

Tami and Hillary just started reading your blog....and it became one of our "new favorite things". What an amazing and entertaining writer you are!! Bible Study and Epic miss you dearly, but will continue to pray for you! Miss and LUV you Annie!!!