Monday, September 29, 2008

The Joys of Living at Home

There are many many many wonderful things to be said about moving back home. There is the joy of being around family, having home cooked meals & the left overs, and lots of giggles while watching Friends or The Office. I really do honestly love being back. But I still love living in Balitmore more - shhhh don't tell

Last night as I was finally feeling better, one of my good guy friends from the cities came down to watch a movie and hang out. It was really sweet of him to come down and see my house and spend sometime with my parents and all that. My parents went off to the carriage house to watch a movie and we started ours. It started getting late so of course so i told him to stay and drive back (he lives an hour away, yes everything is an hour away) in the morning.

So CA came back in the house after the movie and while we're in the kitchen (thankgoodness out of each shoot from said friend) I told her, friend was staying the night.
And knowing the next words out of her mouth would be, "Great I'll fix up the couch". I just said, "Oh no big deal friend will just sleep in my bed". (It's a king size & I'm pretty small)
She responded, "Oh I didn't know you and friend were intimate".

It was one of those things that you look at your parent and think really how in the world am I suposed to respond to that statement?

I still CRACK up laughing thinking about all the different things I could have said. Later I just told her that she was sending me mixed messaged. You know one day telling me all about how she wants grandchildren and then the next putting up a little protest about me sleeping in bed with a boy. And she's a nurse so she knows how that all has to work. It's just not good parenting.

**Disclaimer** In order to continue to love living at home, I did get CA's permission to blog this story. But you can still feel free to tease her about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha it must be a mom thing! don't worry my mom still assumes that when I share a bed with a guy it must mean we're having sex, I have to keep telling her it doesn't... Love you babe!!! can't wait to see the new 'do!!