Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hoping Something Happens

Having a blog is kinda funny - because you have to write about something. Which implies that something has to happen. And lately with me, that really hasn't been the case.

(Yes there was the whole first round of chemo...but come on... even US weekly has moved on to putting someone other than Sarah Palin on the front cover).

Yesterday was an awesome day though. First day out of house since the first round and it was beautiful. I went for a wonderful Harley bike ride out to lunch and then on a fun walk with the puppies. **Piper - I totally get know what you mean when you say Moses walks you.** Then we had one of the most beautiful fires in MY backyard fire pit, complete with best friends Anna & Tonia, Mom & Jeff, Mojitos (I abstained! thank you!) and an awesome view of the stars. Baltimore city still has a ways to go to compete with that view...

All in all I am feeling better and more back to myself. I equate it to just one of those Saturdays where you just lay around the house because you just don't quite have the energy... :) So I just try to stay as honest and true to my body - walking when i can, stretching to keep limber, resting when I'm tired and all in all staying strong!

P.S. I would just like to apologize to someone who once told me he could not stand straight, bend over and touch his feet... I'm now in that boat and wish to retract my previous snicker & judgement! Pretty soon he'll be running FULL marathons around me...


HillaryTami said...

Hey Fabulous! Tami and I are thinking about you everyday! You are such a strong women and it encourages me to read your blog....i mean Seriously Hillary....Get out of bed and be productive. So thank you Annie for reminding me that getting out and doing the daily grind is pretty great....even if Baltimore's view isn't that great :)

Jeremy said...

Why thank yous... My fave post yet... And for the record 2 days ago, after a 75 minute run i touched my left toe for almost 5 seconds... I have never been sooo proud!!!
