Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The First One

I'm kinda a BIG DEAL...

& then there is the whole "Cancer" thing (ICK)... and that's why I'm starting this blog.

So it's officially been 6 weeks since i had the surgery to remove Herold. First of all i totally did not believe Fitzpatrick when he said it'd be a 6 week recovery...comeon who was he talking to?!?!?! He obviously didn't know that i completed high school in 3 yrs, that i do 90 mins of hot yoga 4 times a week, i only eat nuts and berries and I'm AOD... but turns out his predictions were quite accurate. So I've decided that even though i only live 20 mins from Treasure Island Resort & Casino... i won't be making any huge bets with my long term disability money (Breathe Easy Gib)

So for the sake of documentation - here's the condensed week by week play:
  • The Preamble "The Week Before" - "My internal Organs Hurt" - turns out that was not caused by dancing on the pool table at one of the many fine local bars in canton, lots of couch time, doctors apts, naming it Herold Cantaloupe, pain meds that didn't work, pain meds that did, the first CT scan, how big is 17 cm?, CA to Baltimore city, & it's all happening
  • Week 1 "It needs to come out" - a lot of medical questions (uh Mom i swear it had been years since the last time...), learning the trick to getting my own private hospital room (secret published on the R rated version of this blog), the florist shop, wonderful care, bed bath, NG tubes, ice chips, walking laps, 6 a.m. wake up calls, "ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10!!!!!!", parades, latte - my first "real" food, in for a week to the minute, exhaustion & recovery
  • Week 2 "Recovery @ Home" - I'll ride in the stretch hummer next time, flowers, Bon Voyage Herold, home to MN, bad news at 4:30 on Tuesday, we work off tips - here's one - be nice, phone calls, texts, letters, cards, support that left me (yes me) speechless and overwhelmed, homemade chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chocolate cake & back to MN
  • Week 3 "You're still recovering (in the CA mom voice)" - can you drive?, are you sure you can eat that?, YOU'RE HOME, promise you'll get me McDonald's, baking bread & rolls, seeing family, dedicating the fire pit, who has a cantaloupe?, the puppies, insurance, call your doctor, chores, did you poop yet?, Chinese food & WEEDS
  • Week 4 "I'm all better i swear" - river rides, family reading time, mojitos, White Wisconsin cheese curds, you have the wrong bacholorette, Austin, you'll be back in MN before the end of the summer, Fugo De Chao, best friend, & big decisions
  • Week 5 "Back home to Baltimore" - massive packing, mini road trip, cross country road trip,PURPLE PATIO, she's climbing MT. Everest in 2 and 1/2 weeks, large quantities of sushi, Mama's seafood (I heart Oysters), Patigno in the rain, vote against prohibition! Margaritas in Austin, Pasta & Packing, QFY, Almost Famous, Coffee at Blue House & spending time with some of the most important people in the whole wide world, not saying good bye

So today starts Week 6 - Lovingly titled "Reality has a HUGE initial Impact". Tomorrow is Day 1 of 2 with all my new doctors at Mayo... Can't wait to be poked and prodded... but the sooner it starts the sooner it's over and i can get back to my city! I'm hoping that we get a couple more answers tomorrow or at least a loose time time... it's all about hedging expectations! And I'll have all the updates posted asap...

There's a lot more to put out there... feelings, thoughts, stories, memories, etc. but i think i should save some stuff for tomorrow! And even though i set this up yesterday and didn't get a post published... that does NOT count as one of my 2 skips in the next 90 days!


Jeremy said...

You Rock!!! I love it and hate it all at the same time...

You never stop amazing me... BTW this will help when it's time to write your book, hell most of it will be done by then...

P.S. Make sure you email the team here and give them a heads up

Seth said...

So you're back to Minnesota, eh? I thought maybe you'd stay in the East like me! You know you love it.

Check out my blog if you're ever bored off your ass.

Jeremy said...

" And even though i set this up yesterday and didn't get a post published... that does NOT count as one of my 2 skips in the next 90 days! "

I will give you the pass on this, but don't let it happen again!!!

In case you couldn't figure it out, this is Jerm... Samiam is my alter-ego.... Long story that I will have to tell you one day :)

Unknown said...

Sugar and I miss you :( MUAH!!! I think of your "Sunshine" every morning!!!

Unknown said...

Damn! Dig your gams in that picture. Yous a babe. I love you more than life Stella. I can't wait to see you. Until then I leave you with these words...
"Take me home tonight, I don't want to let you go 'til we see the light.'
P.S. Your blog hates me.