Thursday, September 4, 2008

Big Text

you know what's a good feeling? when you wake up at that perfect time right before your alarm goes off...
know what's not a good feeling? waking up before your alarm because you have stabbing pains in your internal organs... and what's worse is when you can't even have dunkin donuts to start your day off right...
and that's when you realize why god gives us little presents in life like vicodin - YUM! well its sort of a present because you have to argue with your mother for 20 mins about whether or not it will screw up your blood work... but really no girl should be deprived of an EQ AD call, coffee and prescription drugs all in one day... honestly it's just more than anyone can take!
i'm excited to add a "level of certainty" story to add to my repertoire for qfy... the billing lady at mayo was certain that i did not have insurance... and i had a much much higher degree of certainty that i did, mostly because i knew that the wells fargo visa wasn't spitting out a couple of grand for blood work... post a phone call to the east coast and CA calling in some small town referral favors we were in the door... okay the story really might not be that exciting but i'm thinking it's way better than one about buying a car
i got stuck with 3 needles, drank 2 bottles of water/iodine mixture & slept in 1 Barnes and Noble's comfy chair (kinda felt like studying in college again - minus the whole iodine thing...)
looking forward to knowing more from the doc tomorrow... although i have a suspicion that there will be more questions than answers and lots more "we don't knows" so brace yourselves because and i'm sure my next post will be a lot less cranky... save that i get to have caffeine in the a.m!


Jeremy said...

1.) Thanks for the big text, you just NOW start to listen to me!!! :
2.) I love reading this...
3.) I think it might have fucked up your blood work... (Look at me I cursed)
4.) You were missed at the meeting this morning...
5.) Your certainty story is better than the Superbowl story...
6.) So although it was a less than stellar day, it's behind you and its helping put you in the right direction...
7.) Looking forward to tomorrows update...
8.) Thank You!


Jeremy said...

P.S. You have had 70 people look at your profile... You're kind of a big deal...

Carrie Root said...

Not sure why you listen to Jeremy, but I guess he was right on the big text. Looking forward to hearing more tomorrow. I'm sure you can't wait to get some answers!!!

Unknown said...

There is one Dunkin Donuts in Minnesota. And Austin is only a half an hour away from Rochester if you're feeling up to it.

507 1st St NW
Austin, MN 55912

Thanks for the update. I'm anxious to hear about your day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

AOD - you are truly a "really big deal"! Keep the updates coming.