Monday, September 22, 2008


Bright Green seems like quite the cheery color for this occasion! So I'm back from the dead... or at least it feels like it.

The past 72 hours have been quite the roller coaster ride and not like the kind they have at Valley Fair (which is soon turning into ValleySCARE - if that entices any one to come and visit!)

So after Thursday night, there wasn't anything very exciting to report. Friday was better - only because i was able to just completely sleep through the entire thing. It's just easier if you're not watching the painfully slow drip or the needle in your hand...Not even the cable TV (which we do not have at Chateau de CA) or the popclices could keep me awake. Saturday was more sleeping. We did have to run to Urgent Care to get a shot of Neulasta (not the sleeping med) to get my white blood cell count up. It's quite the standard follow up shot so nothing to noteworthy there...

It was great to have some fun visitors over the weekend. Cal was home and Jules came down from the cities. Although i felt bad that i slept through most of their visits...

Today I was finally feeling a little bit better (hence being able to sit up for more than 3 mins & blog). I sat out side for a while this morning & even had a craving for a certain pumpkin beverage... CA has also been quite influencial in making sure i'm setting (& achieving) goals each day. Ummm seems that crazy EQ is just rubbing off on everyone these days. Happy to report that I have now sucessfully accomplished all 3 today
  1. Shower - I was kinda becoming the stinky kid...
  2. Read 1 chapter in my book - What Should I do with My life?
  3. Blog
  4. Also I did about 20 min of Cat/Cow, Forward Fold and Child's Pose to help with my 93 yr old back...

WOW look at me still being an over achiever :)

I miss everyone so much & can't wait to personally catch up with each one of you. All the texts, calls & cards are SOOOOOOOO APPRECIATED!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there kid, we're all pulling for you. Need you back in B-More, the plants hate us...

Jeremy said...

I dont know what a cat-cow-forward pose it but it sounds dangerous...