Friday, November 14, 2008


I've never really been one to fall for getting addicted to things. Okay maybe there was that daily Starbucks stop and that other yoga thing isn't really an addiction because it's totally healthy for mind, body and spirit.

But I am here to say (I hear admittance is the first step) that I am addicted... to Simply Grapefruit the juice. I swear they put crack in that stuff... it's so fricken goooood. I could honestly drink it all day long if it weren't $4.75 a container. But I think financially I'm better off drinking that compared to Starbucks, so maybe we'll have to see...

Some might say, "Annie, really, how do you know it's an addiction, maybe it's just love?" (yea right stalker...) Well I will tell you, despite my own personal embarrassment, how I came to discover it really is a true addiction...

I was in the grocery store yesterday checking out. I had been up and down every isle and filled my cart to the brim! So I was watching the items go through and all of a sudden I get nervous... I had only grabbed ONE Simply Grapefruit. So this ferocious internal debate started... will I need more? is that enough? (Keep in mind the grocery store is LITERALLY 6 blocks from my house) Here is when I knew I was addicted, I made the check out lady AND the person behind me wait so that I could run back to isle 8 and grab more juice. Really what kind of person does that?!?!?!?!

But tomorrow when I'm cracking into my second bottle of the week, I'll be so happy that I did....ummmmmmm YuM YuM YuM!!!!


Anonymous said...

What you are experiencing is an addiction. I know, becuase I, too, suffer from the same one. Grapefruit is my favorite fruit, but the work requried to actually eat one is just an obstacle (and usually includes sharp knives). Simply Grapefruit has found a way to put all the goodness of the real grapefruit, liquified into a glass. You wouldn't know you weren't eating a grapefruit except you don't need to chew anything. You see, I have a bottle of Simply Grapefruit on hand at all times in the following places: at home in RW, my apt, and at work. We aren't supposed to "store" personal things in the refridgerator at work but this is more than's what dreams are made of.

Keep up the drinking--

Nursee_Jamie said...

Hey Annie!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your "book" of blogs. I have to admit, I feel a little stalkerish but am sitting at work (working the overnight shift, 7p to 7a at Iowa Children's hospital) and just want to know I am thinking about you and so proud of you for what you are doing. Life is definitely worth fighting for. I am sure you have read this before but wanted to share it with you, it is something that has helped me get through some tough times.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Short and sweet! What books are you reading? Just FYI, I am really into the "Twilight Saga" and thought I'd suggest them to you...and I'd be more then happy to pass on my copies of all four books! :)

PS: You are making me thirsty for some JUICE!