Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Round 2

Tomorrow morning starts my second round of chemo. Which really is just code for being one step closer to getting through all of this - which I'm looking forward too!

Getting ready for the next two days has been a little bit easier than last time. There is a lot less fear of the unexpected, and just more of a secure sense of knowing that I can survive and fight this thing. A couple of days ago I was getting ready and this feeling of, "bring it on, I'm ready to do this again", came over me and that was very reassuring.

I've really worked on my mindset over the past 10 days, trying to really think of the chemo as medicine that's going to make me healthy. And also try not to fight it so much, hoping that might make it a little bit easier. However, there is still some anxiety that doesn't go away. Mostly I just pray about that. And just try to be as courageous as possible, because really there just aren't any other options.

So let the ride begin again! :)


Anonymous said...

Just remember that if the chemo makes you feel like shit... that means it's really kicking the cancer's ass!!!!!!! You can do it babe! Wish I was closer... Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you, stay strong...

Kristina said...

Wish I was there to spend time with you this weekend like I was hoping! I don't love being so far away.... you're so strong and inspiring! Love you lots! Thinking of you always!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing Annie! What a wonderful way to think, you inspire us all! Just one step closer to the end... and being rid of the Harold cooties! If you need anything, I'm here!

Gretchen said...

I pray with you, annie. :)

Anonymous said...

I know I will never meet anyone with a better attitude than yours, and I have complete faith God will bless you for it. It sucks that sometimes God's gifts come in the worst packages. May you feel His peace today, tomorrow, and always. I love you, A.

Anonymous said...

Annie, you make me want to be a better person, as corney as that sounds it's true! You are such an amazing person with an upbeat attitude. Might I also add, you really pull off the "no hair" look, then again you always look HOT! Love you! Amers

Anonymous said...

You are wonderful and so BRAVE!!! Stay strong and know that you can do this. Kick some potential Herold offspring ass!!! I love you :)

Unknown said...

I thought about you non stop on Thursday and Friday...I figured you would be resting over the weekend so I didn't want to disturb you. I have prayed constantly for you. One of my favorite sayings is "You can't go over it. You can't go under it, you must go through it." You will survive and thrive afterwards. All my love, Jen Simonson

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie,

Happy Birthday!!! I know it won't be the same birthday you would have imagined a year ago, and we know it won't be the same next year (you will be done with this particular stretch of life). But regardless of what is going on even right now as you read this, you can have joy in knowing you have made it another day, hour, minute or whatever. I am keeping you faithfully in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Jean Lahaie

Unknown said...

You are my sunshine and it is gloomy here with out you. Stay Bright. I hope round 2 is going better than round 1!