Thursday, October 16, 2008

For the love of blogging

Well the plan was to blog about my birthday today. But it seems that fate has other plans for me & this story. So dunnnnn dunnnnn dunnnnnnnnnnnnn the plot thickens....

Well actually not really. It's just that somehow over the course of the last 48 hours I've managed to get pink eye. So not fun to have your eye continually draining... Also the reason I can't really blog much. It's just that my stomach is already a little queesy and I can only wear one contact, so the combination produces a person who is throwing up with no depth perception. Which isn't funny, unless you think people tripping is funny...

Which I think.... is funny. Anyway, they definitely go in the same category. But either way maybe I'll get the opportunity to blog about my birthday tomorrow.

As some of you may remember a sickness descended upon during my first round of chemo as well... pneumonia. So my clever bff did some detective work for me today amidst supporting her customers and found that there are quite a few other types of diseases that start with "P" such as pancreatitis, papilloma, parapangloima, Parkinson's, pelvic inflammation, phantom limb, phobias, plague, pregnancy, pruritus and various psychotic disorders. So I'm taking bets on which "P" disease I might contract with Chemo - Round 3.

Ah well it's a good thing we have eye drops and I don't have any hot dates scheduled, yet! I think a couple more days in pj's and this eye will be doing just fine :)


Jeremy said...

I would be very weary of "phantom limb pain" or the "Plague". If you can focus on avoiding those two I think you will be just fine!

Sending good good thoughts...


Anonymous said...

I do hope your birthday was fun. You are doing great!

Oh, I'd try and avoid "pregnancy". LOL

laurablair said...

Hi Annie - you don't know me, but I know your mom and am part of that crazy, little neighborhood ladies book club (that doesn't read a club anyway). Love your blog, love your fighting spirit and sense of humor! You are an inspiration. Keep writing - I'm a new fan!

Anonymous said...

I'd watch out for pepperoni pizza persuasion based on our convo this weekend... those delivery boys are saucy and I don't mean marinara!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE coming your way, FLorence :)