Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend Review

Life has been so good the past couple of days. It's been great to have time to spend with friends and family while I've been feeling so good & more like myself.

I've gone on a long walk almost every day this past week, whether it's been with all the puppies or with friends to go eat or have coffee. The fall air weather has been so beautiful and it's just so refreshing to be outside. Plus my body loves starting to exercise again - but don't worry I'm not doing anything too crazy!

I was also able to squeeze in some retail therapy which was most helpful! Having new clothes to lay around in is so exciting! And I did get a new hat to go along with my stylish head. I've been wearing it a lot and not because I don't want people to see my head... but you get really chilly not having any hair. Boys... I don't' know how you do it.

Becca came to town on Saturday. She stayed with us on her journey moving west out to Montana. We had such a good time and she's such an amazing girl. I think I felt better just being around her. Plus it gave us an excuse to have another great bonfire in the back yard.

And today was just a great relaxing Sunday. A big brunch for breakfast and then watching all the football games. I think I might have to start cheering for a new team though... my boys in purple just aren't cutting it! Plus the 3 hour nap I took wasn't bad either... :)

I'm looking forward to having a couple more great days before treatment starts again on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

I love u like a fat kid loves cake batter...

Gretchen said...

I wish that I could come there and enjoy fall with you! And you're way hotter than Sinead, just so you know. ;-) I am with you!!!

Unknown said...

Annie Banannie! Look at how beautiful you are! Nothing short of stunning. Simone and I are missing you and thinking about you. We will keep in touch. Much love to you sugar! xoxo