Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cycle 1 is Done & Done

The first cycle is officially complete! WOW! Talk about deja vu. I remember this so clearly from last September. Thinking to myself, wow this is the last time I will ever have to complete my first cycle of chemo. Guess I was wrong back then.

Everyone wants to know if it's easier or harder compared to the last time, and it's really hard to say. One of the absolute worst parts of the entire process has been the anticipatory nausea. It hasn't let up at all throughout the entire process. And even though I was very heavily medicated with anti-nausea pills when we walked into Mayo this morning, I was puking in the garbage can outside the parking ramp elevator on level 10 within mins of just being in the building. It's just that every thing I see, smell, or touch in that building is associated with the horrible memories of going through chemo. And believe me, I soooooooooo wish this was one of those situations that could be controlled with mind over body. I try with all the strength and energy I can muster up each week to not puke, and every week it comes back up and out. It's honestly one of the most frustrating things ever because you really couldn't feel less in control.

One of the best parts of the experience has been my chemo doctor (DRB) and my nurses. There is nothing that compares when you're already feeling super shitty & trying not to puke, when one of my fabulous nurses just walks up to me with a big smile on her face, puts her arms around me without even saying anything and completely comforts me. It's like there is just this mutual understanding and compassion that can't even really be put into words. And today I told them that I feel horrible because sometimes when I'm there I hardly even have the energy to be polite but yet they still take AMAZING care of me.

The other part that's been nice is that I haven't felt as puky sick when they're injecting me with the drugs. It used to almost be a game with me to see how fast I could pass out so that I could survive the chemo drugs. And now it's different. I'm actually able to be awake for some of it, without totally freaking out. Today I even watched part of a movie, ate a cookie, drank a sprite and sent a couple of text messages! It's just such a completely different experience, but I can't say that it's better because I don't think it is, just different. And sometimes I think a change will do you good...

So now I get approx 13 days off to relax, rest and have some fun. Hopefully I'll get to spend some time back in the cafe too! They want to do a couple more cycles before they scan me again. DRB wants to make sure that the chemo has actually had some time to work and doesn't want to scan too early in case the tumors hadn't actually reached their peak growth. And then we'll determine how to proceed from there! Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers, well wishes, support and generosity while battling Cycle 1, now it's time to go to war on Cycle 2!!!


dani-k said...

Annie OD! Congrats on finishing your first cycle! I'm sitting here in Cleveland working the overnight on my oncology floor and I love reading your blogs when I have a slow night (knock on wood). Your attitude and zest for life just makes me smile! You're such an inspiration and having patients like you is what makes being an oncology nurse worth every minute of spending my days and night in a hospital. I see everyday how tough it is and I admire your strength!
Much Love,
Danielle Koopman
P.S. I'm glad you didn't have to get the colostomy bag...I can def see how that would hurt the sex life ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Annie....glad you are through your first cycle. I pray for your healing, strength, and return to good health!
Holding you close in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see you back in the cafe. its just not the same without you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Annie - Just wanted you to know, I have a chain of 200+ all with prayers said your way. My friend is running in the Twin Cities Marathon for ACS for you this year. Here is some feedback from some people who haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet:

Heidi Ortwerth Caya at 6:56pm June 28 - She is in my prayers.

Kathy Wobbeking at 7:17pm June 28
Go Annie. Prayers are for you.

Jane Rodmyre Payfer at 9:00pm June 28 Praying now.

Delana Wherland at 9:07pm June 28
She's in my prayers.

Rose Edstrom Rodriguez at 9:25pm June 28 consider it done

Stacy Losinski Endres at 10:49am June 29 She is in my prayers! I will run for her this year : - )
This is why I have become so devoted to running TCM for ACS. For people like Annie. I will write her name on my singlet loud and proud! God Bless you, Annie!

Live out loud, Annie!

Molly Kennedy

Jen said...


Your blog is just amazing. You seem like such a special person and you are so strong, its amazing! You should consider turning your posts into a book someday, I think that you would be a great inspiration to a lot of people that are or will be going through the same thing.


Hillary51 said...

Dearest Annie,
With Hectic schedules, and stress from life- I am constantly reminded by you to smile and take a breath. My brother Matt (cancer survivor) asked me about you last night- which reminded me to check up on the latest Annie's Adventure. Through tears and smiles Matt and I read through the last couple weeks and reminisced about our own experiences with the big "C". We are both amazed and comforted by your strength. Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you and know that your impact on the lives of others is inmeasurable. Love and miss you so much!
Hillary and Matt
Baltimore, MD

Karen said...

Hi Annie! My cousin Jennifer sent us information regarding your benefit. Sending you all good thoughts and keeping you in prayer as you battle this cancer. I really appreciate your candor as you discuss your journey through this. Peace, Karen in British Columbia

Stayc said...


Although I'm slightly a long lost friend from college, I'm still thinking of you and would love to see you again, maybe once you beyond this C thing. I know you will fight this; your blog emits such a positive radiance that prolly comes from those missed times on dance floors. You will be back there soon. Feel better!

Love from a Gustie,
Stacy Smith